Wedding photography, signing the documents
Like usual, I took the 21:55 flight from Gatwick to Bucharest. After I managed to get to Constanta, my father, remind me that he has to perform playing the accordion for our Godfather son marriage. Excellent, I said. I'm not going to miss that. I think it was right after I graduated from British Academy of Photography. It was September 2018. I took 2 cameras with 2 prime lens, the 24 mm, f1.4 and the 85mm, f1.8. I felt like a fish in the water, comfortable in any given situation.
Ca de obicei, am luat zborul de la 21:55 dinspre Gatwick, UK spre tara, spre Bucuresti. Pe la 7-8 dimineata am ajuns la Navodari. Uitasem, dar tata mi-a amintit ca trebuie sa mearga sa cante la acte la Ionut, nasicu nostru. S-a intamplat in toamna lui 2018. Am luat cu mine doua camere cu doua lentile fixe, un 24mm si un 85. M-am simtit ca pestele in apa, confortabil in orice situatie.
Gabriel Baloiu Photographer
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